2024 Participating Artists - 2025 Artists updated in May
Interested in participating? Applications are now open with an April 8 deadline
Chap Achen - Studio 6
Sushila Anderson - Studio 1
Brent Beal - Studio 1
James Borden - Studio 5
Lynn Brown - Studio 1
Deb Lee Carson - Studio 12
Lindsey Cherek Waller - Studio 1
Adamantia Everett - Studio 4
Willow Gentile - Studio 15
Deneena Hughes - Studio 12
Wing Young Huie - Studio 1
David Husom - Studio 9
Kevin Ihrke - Studio 7
Constance Stockwell Johnson - Studio 13
Art Kenyon - Studio 1
Tom Larkin - Studio 3
Heather Lawrenz - Studio 11
Jean Sherlock Matheny - Studio 13
Jeff McDowell - Studio 1
Randi Morgan - Studio 6
Allen Nickelsen - Studio 14
B-J Norman - Studio 1
Jonathan Oien - Studio 11
Terri Orth - Studio 14
Margaret Rivard - Studio 12
Jackie Scherer
Jeff Sikes - Studio 1
Russell Stanton - Studio 14
Red Sled Pottery - Studio 11
William Pringle Rodman - Studio 9
Stephanie Lynn Rogers - Studio 1
Clare Schuster - Studio 1
Peggy Simonson - Studio 11
Kathy Swanson - Studio 10
Sam Thompson - Studio 12
Kevin Thurk - Studio 8
Cynthia Weitzel - Studio 1
Blanche White - Studio 4
Dan Wiemer
Alexis Zaccariello - Studio 12
Connect with many of the incredibly talented creatives that help define the culture of our Red Wing community. Through art demonstrations and educational displays in artists' studios, visitors can meet artists personally, buy original artworks, and learn about how and where artists create.